Peter Higgs, from the University of Edinburgh, UK, and Francois
Englert, from the Free University of Brussels, have been awarded the Nobel
Prize in physics for 2013 for their work in understanding how elementary
particles acquire mass, "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that
contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles,
and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted
fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron
a glance before moving further…
Ø Mass:
a large body of matter with no definite shape.
Ø Big
Bang: the rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high density
and temperature which according to current cosmological theories marked the
origin of the universe.
Ø Quarks:
any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge,
postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly
observed but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been
confirmed experimentally.
Ø Quantum:
a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of
the radiation it represents.
Ø Higgs
boson: a subatomic particle whose existence is predicted by the theory which
unified the weak and electromagnetic interactions.
Before Peter Higgs’s work, the Standard Model of particle
physics, a framework of laws that describes the behavior of fundamental
particles, didn’t have an answer to the question of mass. Of course, the Model
itself shaped up only in the 1970s, but Higgs’s work was important to
understand what the Model would or wouldn’t accommodate. Together, Higgs and
Englert described a mechanism, since called the Higgs mechanism, to explain the
process of mass-‘formation’ as it could have happened a billionth of a second
after the Big Bang 13.82 billion years ago. Today, their contribution is
considered a cornerstone of modern particle physics.
The foundation of Higgs’s and Francois’s research lies in the
work of Japanese physicist Yoichiro Nambu, who won the Nobel Prize for physics
in 2008. Inspired by observations of superconducting materials from
condensed-matter physics, Nambu had proposed a process called spontaneous
symmetry breaking in the context of the strong nuclear interaction, one of the
four fundamental forces of nature, to describe how relatively lighter particles
like quarks can come together to form disproportionately heavier particles like
protons and neutrons. However, Nambu’s theory lacked a relativistic model,
which could have been used to explain what Higgs and Englert did at higher
energies. His theory was also faulted because it wrongly predicted the
existence of certain massless particles.
To unravel the Higgs mechanism: During the Big Bang, a sea of
energy was unleashed into the universe by the explosion. It was probably
symmetrical, which means one part of the ‘sea’ was indistinguishable from every
other part across some time period. Just 10 seconds later, however, the
symmetry was violated and broken because of some fluctuations in the field of
energy, giving rise to new laws of physics.
In particle physics, this event is called spontaneous symmetry
breaking. Higgs, Englert and Brout independently devised a mechanism through
which this event and its repercussions could impart mass to some matter and
force particles. Their theory relied on an invisible field of energy called the
Higgs field pervading throughout the universe. This was supposed to be a
quantum field, which meant that it had some average positive energy. When
disturbed, waves would ride through the field like ripples on water. The
smallest possible ripple, as with any field, is called a particle; such a
particle of the Higgs field is called the Higgs boson.
When elementary particles move through the Higgs field, Higgs
bosons couple to them to varying extents — stronger the coupling, more the
retardation of the particle’s motion through the field, greater its mass. For this
mechanism to have arisen the way it did after the Big Bang, four particles were
deemed necessary. Three of them, the two W particles and the one Z particle
(all bosons) were absorbed by the mediating electroweak forces — which comprise
the electromagnetic and the weak forces, two of the four fundamental forces of
This way, Higgs and Englert succeeded in providing a mathematical
basis for how particles acquired mass in general, and how the W and Z bosons
acquired mass specifically.
Afterward, physicists Tom Kibble (UK), Gerald Guralnik and Carl
Hagen (both USA) published more results on the Higgs mechanism. In 1968,
American theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam, a Pakistani,
incorporated the Higgs mechanism into the then-fledgling Standard Model. In
1983, according to the Model’s predictions, the W and Z bosons were discovered
at the UA1 and UA2 experiments at the European Organisation for Nuclear
Research (CERN).
However, finding the Higgs boson itself was a more arduous journey.
This particle was a smoking gun: finding it would mean the Higgs field also
existed, and would conclusively validate Higgs’s and Englert’s research.
To take this step, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was planned by
and built at CERN. Construction took from 1998 to 2008, involving more than
10,000 scientists and engineers from hundreds of universities, and over $9
billion. Without a doubt, it is the most complex scientific experiment
ever to be built, and its first purpose to find if a Higgs boson existed.
The LHC commenced planned research operations in March, 2010,
involving over 3,000 personnel to operate it. On July 4, 2012, the ATLAS and
CMS detector collaborations, which analysed the results produced at the LHC,
announced that they had spotted the first hints of a Higgs-boson-like particle.
After more experiments and testing, in January 2013, CERN
announced that the particle was indeed the Higgs boson. It turned, at that
moment, that the mathematical framework developed by Peter Higgs and Francois
Englert almost 50 years ago did describe an aspect of nature and was real.
While the LHC and the collaborating experimental physicists only
received passing mention in the Nobel Prize citations of Higgs and Englert,
they were the ones responsible for cementing the place of the Higgs mechanism
in the Standard Model.
Now, physicists can move on to other problems that the Model
still hasn’t solved, such as finding what dark matter is, why matter has been
generated as some types of particles and not more or less, and why some forces
of nature are so much stronger than others.
The LHC will reopen in 2015 with upgrades to boost its collision
energy and luminosity, aspects instrumental in finding more elusive particles
that could expose flaws in the Model and open the door for other, more
encompassing, theories of physics to make their presence felt.
The Hindu.